Endorsement - Pastor Leonard Stagg | Dauphin River, Manitoba
Harold’s Healing - Harold suffered with breathing problems and felt pain in his chest for more than 3 months. He said it felt like someone was grabbing him on the right side of his body. The doctors did tests on him but they could not explain the problem. On November 24th Harold came to a meeting in Dauphin River, Manitoba and received prayer from Andrew Friesen. Harold says that in that moment Jesus healed him. He can now breath freely and has no more pain. Jesus is wonderful!
ENDORSEMENT - Pastor Brian Bourque from Eastside Victory Outreach Calgary, Alberta.
Wayne’s Miracle - On October 18, 2024 Wayne Bell from Meadow Lake Saskatchewan came to hear Andrew Friesen share the Word of God and minister at Flying Dust First Nation Reserve. He had been suffering with pain in his leg for seven years due to a leg surgery. The pain was so bad that some days he could not even walk. He also had pain in his heart since he lost his son over 4 years ago. After hearing the Word of God and receiving prayer from Andrew God miraculously healed Wayne from his bad leg. He demonstrated that God had healed him by running with a huge smile on his face. Wayne says that the good Lord healed his leg and his heart as well. “I have so much joy”!
Amazing response to the good news in our crusade in Kenora, Ontario September 28 & 29th.
LORI'S STORY - Lori suffered with constant pain in her back for almost two years. She tried going to the gym 5 or 6 days a week and went to see many doctors but she still suffered and they could not help her. But every changed on Sept 28th 2024 when Lori came and heard Andrew Friesen present the good news. After Andrew prayed for Lori she felt a "boom!" and all the pain left her body. All glory and honour to Jesus!
BRET'S STORY - On Sept 28th, 2024 Bret (an ex-military) came to hear Andrew Friesen present the gospel and receive prayer. Because of Bret's time in the military he was in the Iraq war and experienced many trauma's including severe injuries from explosion's and shrapnel injuring his back causing pain and restricting movement for over 20 years. In addition Bret says that he suffered extreme ptsd from seeing so many lives taken in the war. He said he visited many therapists and doctors but they couldn't help. After Andrew prayed or him on the 28th, he felt something that he had never felt before. He said, "When you prayed for me the power of God hit me!" This time it wasn't the physical bomb that hit him but rather the power of God hit him. All the pain he had felt for over 20 years is now gone and he feels a freedom on the inside that words cannot even explain. All glory and honour go to Jesus!
ENDORSEMENT - Pastor Mike Davis from Calvary Chapel Church in Kenora, Ontario.
Recently was our crusade in Norway House, Manitoba, and God moved mightily. I have no doubt that what is happening here will have a lasting impact on these communities, with many receiving the gift of salvation, freedom and witnessing God’s power in signs and wonders. Every challenge, every attack from the enemy that we’ve faced is worth it when we see how the Gospel is received with such joy and freedom here!
-This woman had suffered with a breathing condition for many years and needed that oxygen tank in the photo in order to breath properly. She came for prayer with the tubes from the oxygen tank connected to her nose because she was dependent on that machine. After prayer, the power of God touched her and she took off the tubes by herself and started to breath feely without any difficultly!
-This man responded to the Gospel and the Holy Spirit brought such joy and freedom in his heart and body. He had a shoulder injury preventing him from lifting his arm freely. After prayer the power of the Holy Spirit brought complete strength and freedom back to his arm. There is power in the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit is so amazingly faithful! Hallelujah!
Pastor Robert and Bev McLean's endorsement.
“I encourage you be a part of this ministry, brother evangelist Andrew Friesen operates the the gift of healing and working of miracles as referred to in 1 Corinthians 12:9–10 "to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another the working of miracles"...We witnessed God’s miracles and healing through this servant of the Lord at our church this past year, no music no special stage just the Lord confirming His Word, so come expecting your healing and miracle!” -Pastor Marty Mclean (Encounter Life Ministries).
This month I've had the joy, the honour, and the privilege to share the good news, pray for, and give away new testaments in the Punjabi language to many wonderful people from our Sikh communities here in Winnipeg, Canada. One elderly man you see in the photo above was so touched and grateful for the gospel we shared that he walked all the way across the park to give us a pizza.
Dreams still come true! I caught 2 gorgeous master angler brook trout at God's River. However, the GREATEST master angler were the PEOPLE that were SAVED, HEALED and SET FREE!
My flight was cancelled the day of my trip. We were half way to God's River but then had to turn back due to maintenance issues. The next day the plane could not land because of low ceiling weather conditions. We flew to another reserve and they announced that we'll try to land in God's River one more time. This time I quietly prayed in the plane and rebuked the storm and clouds just like Jesus did in the gospels. Jesus said, the works that I do you will do... John 14:12. Praise the Lord we were able to land. They said that there was a small opening in the clouds that allowed us to land safely. God did a miracle. The enemy didn't want us to go to God's River because of all the people there who were going to be set free, but in Him we have the victory! We we going to fish for people! The greatest master angler is fishing for people! Some of the many testimonies are: Shared the Word of God and prayed for people over the local radio station that reaches over 1000 people! After praying for a boy named Conor, he received the mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit. He was shaking and speaking in toungues while praising the Lord! There was lady named Terry. It was her very first time in a meeting where the Word of God is preached and the Holy Spirit is demonstrated. She had severe pain in her leg that hindered her from walking. The pain greatly reduced her mobility. After prayer she testified she had no pain! Shared the gospel and prayed for the Chief of God's River. The mosquitos were horrendous, but that didn't stop the people from coming out and listening to the Word of God and receiving from the Holy Spirit. What a powerful time!
Luis Venecia who is a Politician came to our crusade with cancer and severe pain in his body. He said after the first night the pain left him. The last night of the crusade he brought his entire family and many friends. They were in awe of the miracles God was doing and everyone of them lifted their hands in surrender. Many crying tears of repentance and faith in Jesus. How great is our God!
March 29, 2024 - The Holy Spirit gave me a word of knowledge at our crusade in Guamal, Colombia that someone was being healed of asthma, name came to the stage and testified breathing normally. He said that Jesus had healed him of Asthma.
On March 29, 2024 Andres came to the crusade in Guamal, Colombia where Andrew Friesen was announcing the message of Jesus and demonstrating that Jesus is not dead, but He is alive! Andres came to the platform after prayer and testified to everyone with tears of joy that Jesus had healed him and restored his dream to be a football player. He said, “I crashed on my dad's motorcycle, a drunk took me away. I fractured my right knee from there…. I am a sub 20A footballer and I missed several tournaments. I couldn't play. A few days ago I started playing again, not like before, but now my knee feels better than ever. I can jump He also suffered a tear (in the back of his right leg) now my dream of playing soccer is restored!”
Maria’s Story: Maria Alejandra Ricardo came to the crusade with crutches because she broke her leg and couldn’t walk without her crutches due to an accident she had 4 months ago between two motor cycles. After I prayed for her the power of God touched her and restored her walking. She demonstrated to everyone she was healed by walking without her crutches without pain.
Changed Lives: Fundacion, Colombia Crusade - November, 2023. Many responded to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour every night!
Changed Lives. Jesus restored this man’s sight. In November of 2023 I had the privilege of preaching the gospel in a crusade in Valledupar Colombia on my way to Fundacion Colombia for another crusade. When I gave the invitation to accept Christ as Saviour countless people came forward. After prayer, Jesus did many miracles. The man in this photo said that when I prayed he felt something on his eyes. He said that before his vision was blurry but now he sees clearly. He’s reading the sign behind me giving proof. Jesus restored this man’s vision. Thank you partners for sending me!
Since receiving Andrew’s teachings I’ve experienced amazing results. I’ve now prayed with over 100 people to receive Christ in many different contexts. In my work place, on mission trips speaking to larger groups and one on one. Andrew is such an authority when it comes to evangelism. His teachings are incredible and the results I’m seeing are miraculous. What a joy!
John Peters / Winnipeg, Canada
Video Testimonials
Andrew’s teachings are always an inspiration to me to continue to live and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. I got more confidence in sharing the good news! Super excited about my results!
Cely Santos Tiburcio
Regional Director of Missions Latin America
Andrew is motivated by three things: love for Jesus, a powerful desire to share Jesus with others, and a strong desire to have others encounter the power of God. He lives the gospel. He lets the word of God penetrate his heart. The result is a life lived in the fullness of joy, the awareness of God's presence, and the power of God's truth. From this flows proven miracles. We hunger for the evidence of the power of God, Andrew lives there.
Rev. James Guskjolen / Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
I have had the opportunity to observe Andrew Friesen over many years. He has been a man with a definite call of God upon his life. I have had plenty of opportunity to observe this Holy Spirit inspired power gift of evangelism in operation, whether on the street, in the mall, or here at our church in a Sunday evening service. Andrew has certainly shared the gospel in large gatherings around the world, but I also know him to consistently share Jesus as a way of life in the privacy of his personal life.
Pastor Bruce Martin/ Calvary Temple
Video Testimonial
Former Miss Atlantico of Colombia,
Model of the Year and Life Coach
Andrew has taught me that it's faith in Jesus, the son of God that brings the physical and spiritual healing. I recommend Andrew's training because it's so important to that the gospel is preached with signs and wonders today just as it was when Jesus walked the earth. The greatest thing about the ministry of Andrew Friesen is that he flows in the power of the Holy Spirit."
Jenny Mansur / Miami, Florida
In 2010 I began to listen to Andrew's teachings. The message he taught began to revolutionize my life and ministry. I started to sense and new boldness to share the gospel. Since then, I becomes a part of a leadership team where I preach regularly in our church. When I arrived there were 100 members. Now there are more than 1000 members. Thank you Andrew, God has used me to do all this because of what you taught in your course.
Andres Consuegra / Barranquilla, Colombia