Prayer Requests


We understand that you–or someone that you know–may be going through a difficult time in their life. Andrew wishes that he had time to pray over prayer requests received through our website. However, If you notice Andrew's schedule, it is demanding. When he is not traveling, he focuses his time on his family. Andrew only has a small team and we are not able to follow up on prayer requests. We encourage you to contact your local church or one of the many ministries that have phone lines specifically set up for prayer.

We encourage you to watch the videos below of Andrew's teachings to strengthen your faith so that you might grow through the situation you are in. We are confident that there are important truths in these videos that will increase your faith. Beyond these videos, consider joining us for a World Gospel Explosion event where we teach people about finished work of Christ and how it practically applies to you and your situation.  

Click here to view Andrew’s schedule, which includes all upcoming events.